Unity SDK  v1.2.0
No Matches
Unity SDK Standalone

Welcome to the WEART Unity SDK Standalone documentation.


Support Unity 2022.x+

The SDK Standalone allows to connect directly the applicartion installed on the standalone HMD with the device and perform various actions with the TouchDIVER devices:

  • Start and Stop execution
  • Calibrate the device
  • Receive tracking data from the devices
  • Send haptic effects to the devices
  • Read status information from the device
  • Read tracking raw sensors data

Set-up project and import plugin

The minimum setup to use the weart SDK consists of:

  • A Meta Quest Pro or Meta Quest 3
  • A TouchDIVER device
  • An Unity project using the SDK package

Create a new project or open an existing one.

Go to "Window" and then to "Package Manager".

Then press on the "+" and select "Add package from disk".

Find the location of the SDK, select package.json and press "Open".

From here it is possible to import samples to the project.

Android Project Setup in Unity

Show quick video set-up guide

Please, follow these steps to setup your Android Unity Project:

I. Switch the Unity project to the Android platform:

  1. At the navigation bar press File, in the dropdown press Build Settings.
  2. At the opened window click Android from the list of platform.
  3. Press Switch Platform. If the platform is not available, please, install it using Unity Hub.

II. Setup the Android API levels and the scrptable backend:

  1. At the Build Settings window press Player Settings...
  2. At the opened window in the Other Settings section setup:
    • Minimum API level as Android 10.0 (API level 29).
    • Target API level as Android 13.0 (API level 33).
    • Scripting backend as IL2CPP.
    • Target Architectures as ARM64.

III. Add permissions to the Android Manifest.

Depending from XR device used in the project, its SDK prepares its own custom Android Manifest that will be placed into Assets folder of your project. Add these permissions into this Custom Manifest after </application> tag:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" android:usesPermissionFlags="neverForLocation" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth" android:required="true" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth_le" android:required="true" />

Please, note that the BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE, BLUETOOTH_CONNECT, and BLUETOOTH_SCAN permissions are runtime permissions and they will be requested before Bluetooth can start its work within application.

More inforamtion you can read from the official Android documentation here.

IV. Create the Custom Gradle Properties Template:

  1. At the Player Project Settings window, at the Publishing Settings section click Custom Gradle Properties Template.
  2. Add the following additional property to the created file (its path will be shown after its creation):

V. Create the Custom Main Gradle Template:

  1. At the Player Project Settings window, at the Publishing Settings section click Custom Main Gradle Template.
  2. Add the following dependencies to the created file (its path will be shown after its creation):
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.8.0'
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.1'
implementation 'no.nordicsemi.android:ble-ktx:2.6.1'

Guide Components



Responsible for communication with the TouchDiver device through dialogue with Middleware Path: Packages🡪 WEART SDK 🡪 Runtime 🡪 Prefabs 🡪 WeArtController.

Inspector Properties:

  • Start Calibration Automatically:
    • When this flag is active, the middleware calibration begins when the scene starts playing
  • Start Raw Data Automatically:
    • When this flag is active, the middleware starts sending raw sensors data when the scene starts playing
  • Debug Messages:
    • Enable or Disable WEART SDK Logs in console
      • ERROR - print only error messages
      • DEBUG - print errors and debug messages
      • VERBOSE - print all informations availables
  • Project Log Level:
    • Set the level of logs that will be written in you session log file.
    • The session logs can be found at your Android device: \Android\data\<YourApplicationName>\files\LogFiles
  • TouchDIVERs
    • TouchDIVERFirst - WEARTTouchDIVER right reference object
    • TouchDIVERSecond - WEARTTouchDIVER left reference object

WEARTTrackingCalibration contains Unity events that correspond to the middleware calibration events


Component responsible for the description of the haptic effect to be applied in the event of a collision with the HapticObject actor Properties:

  • Temperature – Temperature value implemented on the target thimble or thimbles (from 0.0 to 1.0) [0.5 is environment temp – 0.0 really cold – 1.0 really hot]
  • Force – Force value applied on the target thimble (s) (from 0 to 1) [0.0 no force – 1.0 max force]
  • Texture – Type of texture rendered on the thimble or target thimbles (from 0 to N)
  • Volume Texture: Configure the intensity of texture rendering (from 0 to 100)
  • Forced Velocity - Allows the touchable object to have continious texture at maximum velocity
  • Graspable - Enable the ability to grasp the object with virtual hands
  • Surface Exploration - When enabled, it makes the exploration with the WEART hand prefab of a surface with the palm and fingers easier when the palm is open

GameObject Requirements:

  • Rigibody
  • Collider

The component WeArtTouchableObject has a flag called Forced velocity, if it is enabled, when the hand enters the touchable object, the texture feeling will run at maximum speed. It will not take in consideration the movement of the hand.


Component responsible for the haptic actuation of the individual digital devices belonging to the TouchDiver device Properties:

  • Hand Side Flag – Which device it belongs to (RIGHT | LEFT)
  • Actuation Point Flag – Target of the thimble or the thimbles on which to apply implementation (THUMB | MIDDLE | INDEX) [Multi selection]
  • Control: - (Set by TouchableObject during interaction or manually by developer)
    • Temperature – Temperature value implemented on the target thimble or thimbles (from 0.0 to 1.0) [0.5 is environment temp – 0.0 really cold – 1.0 really hot]
    • Force – Force value applied on the target thimble (s) (from 0 to 1) [0.0 no force – 1.0 max force]
    • Texture – Type of texture rendered on the thimble or target thimbles (from 0 to N)

GameObject Requirements:

  • Collider
    • Is Trigger = True

How to create Haptic/Touchable objects:

By adding components to existing game objects. Either insert any prefab in the map, and equip it with a Haptic/Touchable component and a collision, or create a prefab which you can then reuse anytime you want. In the inspector panel, you should have access to all the modifiable variables.


Component responsible for tracking of thimble' movements for quantifying its closed state and animating virtual hands Properties:

  • Hand Side Flag – Which device it belongs to (RIGHT | LEFT)
  • Actuation Point Flag – Target of the thimble or the thimbles on which to apply implementation (THUMB | MIDDLE | INDEX) [Multi selection]


The WeArtStatusTracker component is responsible for tracking and forwarding middleware status updates to the interested objects.

The interested objects can add a listener to the _OnMiddlewareStatus event, in order to receive the updates whenever the middleware updates its status.

In particular, the event propagates an object of type MiddlewareStatusData, containing:

  • The current middleware version
  • The current status of the middleware
  • Whether actuations are enabled or not
  • The last status code received from the middleware and, if not ok, a description of the error
  • The status of the connected TouchDIVERs
    • Mac Address
    • Battery level (and will show a bolt symbol if the device is charging)
    • Calibration status during the session
    • Status of each thimble (shown on the hand icon by the three colored dots)


Component responsible for tracking a given thimble raw sensors values. The raw sensors data includes:

  • Accelerometer (x,y,z)
  • Gyroscope (x,y,z)
  • Time Of Flight sensor distance value


  • Hand Side Flag – Which device it belongs to (RIGHT | LEFT)
  • Actuation Point Flag – Target of the thimble or the thimbles from which to get the sensors data (THUMB | MIDDLE | INDEX | PALM)

At runtime (while the editor is playing), the component will show the values received for the given thimble, as shown in the picture below.

Hands Prefabs

Represents virtual hands in your experience linked to TouchDiver and able to update finger tracking for activation hand animation and haptic for thimbles. In base of the project configuration, the hands can move with your motion controller. Path: Packages🡪WEART SDK 🡪 Runtime 🡪 Prefabs 🡪 WEARTLeftHand | WEARTRightHand

If you are not using a sample scene, you can drag and drop the prefabs in the scene, make sure to apply the transform that it needs to follow of your VR rig contoller. Make sure to add WeArtController to the scene.

Hand Grasp Events

Each WEARTHandController has two events. One fires when an object is grasped and the other when it is released.

Create two functions that will be subscribed to the events

void OnRightGrasp(HandSide handSide, GameObject gameObject)
void OnRightRelease(HandSide handSide, GameObject gameObject)

And then subscribe them to the hand controller;

rightHandController.OnGraspingEvent += OnRightGrasp;
rightHandController.OnReleaseEvent += OnRightRelease;

Hand Offset

These hand prefabs contain a script called WEARTDeviceTrackingObject.

This component has offset presets that can be changed based on the touch diver setup.


Component responsible for the tracking of the wrist on which the TouchDiver device is placed Properties:

  • Is Physical Hand - This field tells if the WeArtTrackingObject is the main script that comunicates with the WeArtHandController
  • Update method – Mode in which the position of the object is updated on the basis of the source tracking
  • Position Offset – Trasform position offset respect from the tracking source
  • Rotation Offset – Trasform rotation offset respect from the tracking source
  • Tracking Source – Transform reference of motion controller source (ex. VR Controller or Vive Trackers, etc. etc.)
  • Offset presets – You can choose a preset offset parameters of specific platform controller like HTC Vive, Oculus 2, Oculus 3, Oculus Pro or in any case a custom configuration
  • Show Ghost Hand - When enabled it will show the real position of the hand, not affected by physics
  • Ghost Hand Show Distance - The distance required to enable the ghost hand rendering

Here are the offset presets available:

Inside each hand prefab there is a child game object called GhostHand. This game object must not be deleted as it is essential for the hand grasping system.

This object contains a WEARTHandController and a WEARTDeviceTrackingObject which must always be set to IsPhysicalHand = false. This means that the scripts present on the top parent object, WEARTRightHand, for example, control the ones on WEARTRightGhostHand, and the IsPhysicalHand properties must be disabled on WEARTRightGhostHand.

Physical Grasping System

The physical hand is animated using the closure values of the WEARTThimbleTrackingObjects present on the Thumb, Index and Middle fingers. Through out the hand there are colliders, the palm has colliders that never move while the fingers have colliders that move because they are placed on the transfoms of the falangs of the fingers that are moved by the animation. Each Fingertip of thumb, index and middle have a capsule collider with a WeArtHapticObject component. When the hand does not grab anything, the haptic objects interact with the touchable objects in the scene and receive their effects.

Each hand also contains a palm collider(box).

Moreover, each fingertip of thumb, index and middle have box colliders(Collision Checker Collider) that also contain WEARTHapticObjects. These Objects do not affect the effects felt by the Touch Diver. They are only present to check what WeArtTouchableObjects are in contact with them.

Here you can see the "Collision Checker Colliders"

The Unity SDK now integrate a new hand system, ready-to-use, that enables physical interaction with objects, making the experience more realistic and enhancing tactile feedback during the interaction.

With the new hand asset, it is possible to grasp objects naturally, without predefining static poses and speeding up the development of experiences that enable manipulation. Tactile feedback is synchronized precisely with object manipulation, increasing the realism of the feedback.

The new hand integrated into the SDK can be adopted in any project and allows for handling collisions with objects, applying forces, and making interactions more realistic.

Collider best practices

The most important aspect about WEARTTouchableObjects is that all of the colliders must be on the same game object as the touchable object component. If the collider is assigned to a child object, it will not work.

For objects that have a single primitive collider (box, sphere or capsule) it will work directly with the system.

If you want to add more primitives to the same object, you must put the mesh renderers of these objects as children. But the colliders must remain on the main parent object that contains the touchable object. If the colliders are applied to the children objects, the system will not work.

Here is an example of multiple primitives on the same game object.

Unity does not allow moving Non Convex Meshes, when the non convex mesh collider is moved, it ignores any kind of collision. The mesh colliders must always be set to "convex".

If you want to have static non convex mesh colliders. you can add them and set their rigidbody to kinematic. This will allow oyu to touch and feel the solid mesh, but you will not be allowed to move(or grab) this object. They will look like this.

There are situations in which the convex mesh collider works directly, but in most situations with more complex meshes this will not work. Here is an example of a convex mesh collider that works.

This is how the collider looks like if we enable the convex property on the mesh collider that is more complex.

The convex function tries to wrap the whole mesh into a convex shape, and by doing this, the collider will be able to be touched and grabbed in places that the mesh does not exist.

We need to follow the next steps in order to have a good setup for our mesh. Take the mesh that you want to make grabbable into a model edditing software. Devide the mesh into smaller parts that will make the convex shapes acurate.

Now in unity, keep the mesh renderer and Mesh filter the same. Add the mesh colliders components to the same game object and add the submeshes of the new model to the colliders' meshes. Make sure that the import size is right, you can check it by clicking on the model inside the project folder. Remember to make them convex.

The final result will look like this.

Surface Exploration

When a WEARTTouchableObject has the flag "Surface Exploration" enabled, it allows for a better touch experience on a flat surface.

With all the fingers open, if the palm touched a flat surface with the WeArtTouchableObject that has the "Surface Exploration" enabled, the system checks if the palm and two other fingertips are in contact with the surface. If they are in contact the system will increase the haptic objects in order to have a smooth experience exploring the surface.

Remove Collisions Form The Hand Prefab / Pass Through Hands

In order to remove the physics from the hand, select the game objects displayed in the next picture and disable their colliders.

Remember to also disable the colliders from the next image (they are present in the same hand).

Remove the Grasping Functionality

If you also want to remove the grabbing capabilities, disable the colliders from these game objects.

Calibration Manager Prefab

The calibration manager offers an easy and precise way of calibrating the touch diver at the start of the experience. You need to put your hands in the position specified and it will signal to the middleware that the calibration process is statring. The CalibrationManager prefab needs to have in the same scene the WeArtController prefab and the two hands prefabs.

If inside the WeArtController, the StartRawDataAutomatically is checked, the calibration will be forced. If you want to use Calibration Manager Prefab, disable StartRawDataAutomatically.

An exaple of this can be found in the PlaygroundDemo scene.

The prefab has two important exposed fields in the script CalibrationManager in the editor:

  • MaxHands(if this is set to 2, the calibration will require the position of both hands, if it is set to 1 it will require only one hand)
  • DominantHand(if MaxHands is set to 1. this boolean will decide which single hand will require the position. If DominantHand is set to Right, it will require only the right hand position, if it is set to Left, it will require only the left hand position.)

WEART Prefab

WEART prefab allows for a fast implementation of the system. It contains the WristPanel, ActuationPanel, BLEConnectionPanel, MiddlewareAndDevicesStats and WEARTMainComponent.

This prefab can be found in WeArt SDK Standalone🡪 Runtime🡪 Prefabs 🡪 WEART


Start/Stop Client

Manage Start and Stop Middleware communication Import in your C# class this namespace:

Definition: WeArtController.cs:18

From WeArtController GameObject get Instance

WeArtController.Instance.Client.Start(); //Start Middleware communication
WeArtController.Instance.Client.Stop(); //Stop Middleware communication
This component wraps and exposes the network client that communicates with the hardware middleware....
Definition: WeArtController.cs:24
WeArtClient Client
The network client that communicates with the hardware middleware.
Definition: WeArtController.cs:93
static WeArtController Instance
The singleton instance of WeArtController
Definition: WeArtController.cs:32

Start/Stop Calibration and events

From WeArtController GameObject get Instance

void StopCalibration()
Definition: WeArtController.cs:285
void StartCalibration()
Definition: WeArtController.cs:278

Start/Stop Raw Data from middleware

To start and stop the middleware from sending raw sensors data, use the WeArtController GameObject instance:

void StopRawData()
Definition: WeArtController.cs:302
void StartRawData()
Definition: WeArtController.cs:297


After starting the middleware and performing the device calibration, it's possible to receive tracking data related to the TouchDIVER thimbles.

There are two hand prefabs in the scene. Every hand prefab has a WeArtHandController. Every WEARTHandController has three WEARTThimbleTrackingObject references. We can get the closure and abduction from these components. The values are from 0 to 1, 0 representing no closure or abduction and the 1 representing the maximum value.

Getting Closure and Abduction:

WeArtThimbleTrackingObject _thumbThimbleTracking;
float closure = _thumbThimbleTracking.Closure.Value;
float abduction = _thumbThimbleTracking.Abduction.Value;
This component receives and exposes tracking data from the hardware.
Definition: WeArtThimbleTrackingObject.cs:11
Abduction Abduction
The abduction measure received from the hardware (if any)
Definition: WeArtThimbleTrackingObject.cs:99
Closure Closure
The closure measure received from the hardware.
Definition: WeArtThimbleTrackingObject.cs:91


The SDK contains a basic WeArtTouchEffect class to apply effects to the haptic device. The TouchEffect class contains the effects without any processing. For different use cases (e.g. values not directly set, but computed from other parameters), create a different effect class by implementing the WeArtEffect interface.

Create Custom effect (Non physical WeArtHpticObject)

WEARTHandController takes care of the realistic transitions of effects in the scene, custom effects( creating, updating, adding and removing ) are not compatible with the hand prefabs. Haptic objects can be used outside of it as long and their field called IsPhysical is disabled.

Instantiate new effect:

Definition: WeArtTouchEffect.cs:11

Update effect (Non physical WeArtHpticObject)

Create and activate actuations

Temperature temperature = Temperature.Default;
temperature.Active = true; //you have to active
temperature.Value = 0.6f; //hot

Set actuation to effect:

effect.Set(Temperature, Force, Texture);
WeArt.Core.Texture Texture
Definition: WeArtTexturePropertyDrawer.cs:7
void Set(Temperature temperature, Force force, Texture texture, WeArtImpactInfo impactInfo)
The Set.
Definition: WeArtTouchEffect.cs:58

Add effect (Non physical WeArtHpticObject)

Apply to your HapticObject (finger/thimble) effect:


Remove effect (Non physical WeArtHpticObject)

To remove effect and restore actuation, get the same instance of effect and call “Remove” for the same HapticObject:


Adding new custom texture type

In WeArtCommon.cs we can find enum called TextureType We can add a new texture like this:

public enum TextureType : int
ClickNormal = 0, ClickSoft = 1, DoubleClick = 2,
AluminiumFineMeshSlow = 3, AluminiumFineMeshFast = 4,
PlasticMeshSlow = 5, ProfiledAluminiumMeshMedium = 6, ProfiledAluminiumMeshFast = 7,
RhombAluminiumMeshMedium = 8,
TextileMeshMedium = 9,
CrushedRock = 10,
VenetianGranite = 11,
SilverOak = 12,
LaminatedWood = 13,
ProfiledRubberSlow = 14,
VelcroHooks = 15,
VelcroLoops = 16,
PlasticFoil = 17,
Leather = 18,
Cotton = 19,
Aluminium = 20,
DoubleSidedTape = 21,
NewExampleTexture= 50

And we can access it by index:

Texture texture = Texture.Default;
texture.TextureType = (WeArt.Core.TextureType)50;
texture.Active = true;
Definition: WeArtAbudction.cs:9
Definition: BleConnectionPanelEditor.cs:7


We can change the velocity of the texture of an effect by changing its value [0.0 to 0.1] 0.5 is recommended for the normal speed of the texture. This will give the effect a constant speed for the texture without moving the hand

Texture texture = Texture.Default;
texture.TextureType = (WeArt.Core.TextureType)11;
texture.Active = true;
texture.Velocity = 0.5f;
touchEffect.Set(temperature, force, texture, new WeArtTouchEffect.WeArtImpactInfo());
Defines the ImpactInfo.
Definition: WeArtTouchEffect.cs:107


Add WEART Startup Components

This tool will add the controller, the hands prefabs, calibration manager, Weart Middleware Status Display and Weart TouchDIVER connection panel.

  • Add WEART Startup Components - spawn on your scene the main WEART components ready to use
  • Current objects to TouchableObject - selecting a GameObject on your scene you could make it touchable adding any WEART component automatically
  • Finder - Will show you any GameObject with the WeArtTouchableObject attached
  • Debugger - Show actuations for any WeArtHapticObject in the scene

WEART Wrist Panel

The "WEART Wrist Panel" is a part of TouchUI system with buttons used for:

  • Show/Hide the WEART TouchDIVER Connection Panel.
  • Show/Hide the Middleware Status Panel.
  • Restart the WEART Hands calibration process.
  • Show/Hide the WEART Actuation Debug Panel.

This panel could be placed anywhere at the scene in accordance your project requirements.


If you would like to hide them at the start of your session, just deselect them at the StartPanel component at the WEART Wrist Panel:

Weart TouchDIVER Connection Panel

The "Weart TouchDIVER Connection Panel" is a 2D canvas provided all information about scanned Weart TouchDIVER devices with possibility to connect them, set the hand side and remeber them for auto connection within next sessions.

Panel contains:

  • HandSide — the actual device hand side, Left or Right, with possibility to change it in accordance to your needs: just press the realted button "Change Hand Side".
  • Device Status — status of bluetooth connection.
  • Connection Button — pressing of this button initiates the connection proccess, after succsessful connection, this button will be replaced by Disconnection Button.
  • Remember device toggle — if this toggle is selected the TouchDIVER device will be saved and when you will found it again within your next session this device will be connected automatically.

All buttons and toggle at this panel are touchable, to press them just poke them by your virtual hand.

WEART Actuation Debug Panel

The "WEART Actuation Debug Panel" is a 2D canvas provided the runtime actuation data from haptic objects at WEARTHands: for thumb, middle and index fingers (Righ hand and Left hand).

Current object to TouchableObject

This tool will transform the selected game object into a touchable object and it will apply the necessary components.

WEART Middleware Status Display Item

This tool will add the status display item prefab to the current scene.

The "WEART Middleware Status Display" (shown below) is a 2D canvas containing all the status information received by the middleware.

Weart Middleware Status Display

In particular, the object will display:

  • The current middleware version
  • The current status of the middleware (as shown in the middleware UI)
  • Whether actuations are enabled or not
  • The last status code received from the middleware and, if not ok, a description of the error
  • The status of the connected TouchDIVERs
    • Mac Address
    • Battery level (and will show a bolt symbol if the device is charging)
    • Calibration status during the session
    • Status of each thimble (shown on the hand icon by the three colored dots)

Status Codes

The current status codes (along with their description) are:

Status Code Description
0 OK Ok
100 START_GENERIC_ERROR Can't start generic error: Stopping
101 CONNECT_THIMBLE Unable to start, connect at least one thimble and retry
102 WRONG_THIMBLES Unable to start, connect the right thimbles matched to the bracelet and retry
103 BATTERY_TOO_LOW Battery is too low, cannot start
104 FIRMWARE_COMPATIBILITY Can't start while the devices are connected to the power supply
105 SET_IMU_SAMPLE_RATE_ERROR Error while setting IMU Sample Rate! Device Disconnected!
106 RUNNING_SENSOR_ON_MASK Inconsistency on Analog Sensors raw data! Please try again or Restart your device/s!
107 RUNNING_DEVICE_CHARGING Can't start while the devices are connected to the power supply
200 CONSECUTIVE_TRACKING_ERRORS Too many consecutive running sensor errors, stopping session
201 DONGLE_DISCONNECT_RUNNING BLE Dongle disconnected while running, stopping session
202 TD_DISCONNECT_RUNNING TouchDIVER disconnected while running, stopping session
203 DONGLE_CONNECTION_ERROR Error on Dongle during connection phase!
300 STOP_GENERIC_ERROR Generic error occurred while stopping session
The description of each status code might change between different Middleware versions, use the status code to check instead of the description.


This tool will open a window that will show the touchable objects present in the scene


This tool will open a window that will show the haptic objects in the scene and its parameters


You could import a sample scene to understand SDK components and simplify your test using ready scenes with any components you need.

Sample Demo

This sample contains a ready-to-use scene which shows the capabilities of the sdk.


This scene contains four material plates that have different textures, four objects on the table that can be grabbed and have different temperatures and two burners that when activated by buttons will create temperature zones above them.

URP Materials Upgrade

Here you can find the URP Materials

Remember to follow the steps for both hands.

If you are having a project that uses URP or want to create a new project with it, and you want to use the sample scene make sure to upgrade the materials present in:
WeArt SDK Standalone🡪 Runtime🡪 Materials
Assets🡪 Samples🡪 WEART SDK Standalone🡪 0.0.3🡪 Sample Demo🡪 Materials
Make sure to upgrade also the "Plates" folder from the location above.

Update Hand's Materials

Starting from now we will use only the materials from WEART SDK Standalone🡪 Runtime🡪 Materials🡪 URPMaterials

Switch the material of "Logo" game object with URPLogo

Switch the material of WEARTHand to URPHandMaterial

In WEARTRightHand in the component WEARTHandController replace the GhostHandInvisibleMaterial with URPInvisible and then GhostHandTransparentMaterial with URPGhost.

Inside WEARTRightGhostHand there is a child called WEARTHand. Replace its material with URPInvisible

Update Calibration UX Materials

For both Holohand_L and Holohand_R, replace their material to URPCaliIdle

For both Holohand_L and Holohand_R, inside the component HandCalibrationState, replace IdleMaterial with URPCaliIdle, CalibrationMaterial with URPCaliCalibrating, SuccessMaterial with URPCaliSuccess and FailedMaterial with URPCaliFail.

Migration and Update from previous SDK

To update your application to the latest SDK, download and extract the Unity SDK archive, then copy the files in the same place as the older SDK version.

The new version includes additional files, so it's necessary to add them to the project in order to avoid linking errors.

This can be done on Visual Studio by right-clicking on the solution, then clicking on Add -> Existing Item and selecting all the SDK files. On other systems (e.g. cmake) the procedure might be different.

The SDK is retro-compatible with older versions, so there's no need to update the application code. To see the new feature and fixes added to each version, refer to the Changelog section.

After the update of the SDK the prefabs will be broken in the scene. Replace them with the new WEART prefab from the sdk.


Version 1.2.0 (latest)

  • BLE communication for Android platform
  • Add new physic hand system
  • UI canvas for managing BLE devices
  • Add middleware status display component and scripts
  • Add Raw Thimble Sensor data tracking (WeArtThimbleSensorObject component)
  • Added sample scenes
  • Editing at run-time textures
  • Add calibration procedure start/stop and listener
  • Add hand grasping events
  • Add new default tracking message and values for closure and abduction
  • Debug Actuations