Haptics in VR emergency

Emergency Room (ER) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) training

Emergency medicine requires highly skilled professionals who can make quick, accurate decisions in high-pressure situations. To address this critical need, VR technology combined with haptics has emerged as a groundbreaking solution for Emergency Room (ER) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) training.

Immersive medical training with haptic gloves

VR technology allows trainees to immerse themselves in realistic emergency scenarios, replicating the intensity and unpredictability of real-life emergencies. They can practice diagnosing and treating patients in lifelike virtual environments, ranging from trauma situations to medical emergencies. With TouchDIVER haptic glove, trainees can physically interact with virtual patients, enabling them to feel the pressure, textures, and temperature changes. This level of immersion helps build crucial muscle memory and confidence in ER and EMS professionals, ensuring better preparedness for emergencies.

Extendend reality simulations for emergency responders

XR content creators and companies can develop a mixed-reality and virtual reality simulation platform that combines VR technology with TouchDIVER haptic glove. Trainees are placed in a chaotic emergency room, triaging and treating patients with different injuries while managing limited resources. The haptic gloves allow trainees to touch and interact with virtual patient, helping emergency responders develop crucial teamwork, communication, and decision-making skills in high-stress situations.

A tactile dimension for VR medical procedures

Our TouchDIVER haptic glove introduces a tactile component to surgical simulations, replacing HMD’s controller.


By naturally using their hands, trainees feel virtual procedures for real. TouchDIVER wearable device allows trainees to sense virtual tissues, instruments’ pressure, resistance, and the feeling that the body’s anatomy creates on surgical instruments.


This enhanced realism improves trainees’ productivity by facilitating better hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and precision. They can practice delicate operations and master surgical techniques, reducing the learning curve.

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