WEART introduces the new TouchDIVER Pro haptic glove: a new dimension for XR interactions
WEART, hardware and software haptic technology provider, has released today the second generation of the TouchDIVER haptic glove – the TouchDIVER Pro glove. TouchDIVER Pro glove features a new design with six actuation points, including all five fingers and the palm, and current WEART’s unique multimodal haptic feedback, which provides lifelike force feedback, textures rendering and thermal cues.
Cas and chary reviewed TouchDIVER: A Haptic Glove for Virtual Reality
Cas and chary the touchdiver review
WEART made to the list of ADI Design Index 2022
WEART’s TouchDIVER made it to the Adi design index yearbook and ADI Compasso d’Oro Award 2022
WEART founders were guests at VR in education podcast
Guido Gioioso and Giovanni Spagnoletti were guests at the #VR in education podcast hosted by Craig Frehlich.